Our DSS (Decision Support System) systems support the companies and the public administrations in making data-driven strategic decisions in the fields of ecological transition, energy management, sustainability and innovation management.

Technological changes, sudden market evolutions, changes to legal and regulatory systems are on the agenda and make it increasingly difficult for companies and public administrations to make informed decisions.

Our DSSs allow you to expand the portfolio of tools to support strategic decisions in areas such as:

  • definition of strategic and business plans; 
  • company scouting and due diligence; 
  • technology scouting; 
  • analysis of the competitive context; 
  • analysis of the legislative and regulatory context; 
  • definition of prospective scenarios; 
  • go to market strategy; 
  • definition of innovation processes.


The DSS systems of the spin-off ES+ are designed for entities that intend to optimize their strategic decisions, having information, data and benchmarks that are capable of providing qualitative-quantitative assessments to support these decisions.

  • They are based on the experiences developed in the many applied research projects, conducted over the years by the Energy & Strategy and Innovation & Strategy teams. 
  • DSS systems are offered in a SaaS (Software as a Service) configuration.

Discover below some of the DSS present in our portfolio and their potential:


The DSS allows to calculate the cost of production of hydrogen  (Levelized Cost of Hydrogen – LCOH) generated through electrolyzers (Alkaline – AEL or Electrolytic Polymer Membrane – PEM) powered by electric energy from green PPA (Power Purchase Agreement powered by renewable energy sources). 

The DSS returns to the user the LCOH expressed in terms of €/kg H2 calculated over a life cycle of the plant equal to 20 years, based on the selected technology, the annual hydrogen requirement, the operating hours of the electrolyzer and the purchase price of electric energy (PPA) and water identify by the user.

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The DSS enables the assessment of the environmental impact throughout the life cycle (cradle-to-grave) associated with a specific automobile. 

In particular, through the DSS it is possible to assess the GHG emissions’ impact (Green House Gases, expressed in terms of CO2eq) associated to each phase of the automobile life cycle: raw material extraction, production and assembly, transport, use and end-of-life treatment. 

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The DSS allows to carry out an assessment of the economic impact (Total Cost of Ownership) associated with a specific automobile, evaluating all the categories costs (or revenue) associated with the phases of purchase, use, maintenance and disposal/resale.

The tool allows you to assess and compare the TCO related to different engines (petrol, diesel, methane, LPG, hybrid (HEV), hybrid (PHEV) and electric (BEV)) and segments (A, B, C, D, E and F), both in the case of evaluation of a single automobile than in the case of a fleet. 

In particular, for electric automobile it is also possible to simulate the purchase of a charging point (wallbox) and a photovoltaic system.

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